The Jersey boys are mobbed on the beach by bikini clad women

Fame has it’s perks, and the Jersey Shore crew enjoy them with the same kind of zeal with which they attack their gym time, laundry and tanning.

The most obvious is that any kind of notoriety, however dubious, will attract attention from the opposite sex like iron filings to a magnet.

Our MTV heroes stumbled with this during their recent tenure in Florence, Italy, however.

Passion: The Situation even got a lingering kiss from one beach beauty today

Natural Habitat: Girls flocked around Vinny on the beach

It seems they struggled to adapt to the Renaissance city, where the pesky natives insist on elevating only talented souls to levels of stardom.

It’s their error of course, it took Michaelangelo four years to paint just part of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, while the Shore crew are on the second series in six months.

It’s a much more impressive canon of work, we’re sure you’ll agree.

But the Italians failure to appreciate the poetry that regularly pours forth from the mouths of Snooki, Vinny, The Situation et al is their loss.

Because the living, breathing works of art are getting the attention they so richly deserve back in Jersey at their headquarters, Seaside Heights.

And they’re flourishing back in their natural habitat.

Today the boys - Vinny, Ronnie and The Situation - got involved with some natural tanning, under the actual sun and not in a booth.

They were interrupted frequently, however, by dozens of female fans wanting to chat, probably about astro physics.

Each one flaunted their bikini-clad body for the guidoes to admire, though The Situation actually got a kiss from one excited fan.

The girls, meanwhile, probably didn’t want to get sand in their weaves, so opted for the no nonsense tanning salon.

With a round of laundry later in the day, it only remained for a gym session to complete their classic GLT acronym.

They might want to add a film line to their repertoire so they can click their Ed Hardy sneakers together and avow ’there’s no place like home.’
