Denise Richards shows off her amazing figure in black tasselled bikini

So much crap hit the fan after the Tiger Woods and Rachel Uchitel affair was exposed that we forget she was the catalyst in this ugly scandal. Lots of hookers and porn stars came forward after her, but she was the one that toppled the Woods House of Cards.

The mainstream press have been trying to figure out what Elin Woods was going to do for months now, but I think most of knew that there was no way in hell she was going to stay married to Tiger after this international humiliation she and her kids have had to go through. But she has been biding her time to get the best deal possible for her future and her little future golfers. And boy howdy…did she get it!

News broke this morning that Tiger and Elin are very close to signing a $750 million divorce settlement. $75o MILLION DOLLARS people. That’s alot even for Tiger Woods to pay out. It’s a shocking deal but it’s thought to be so extreme because Elin will have to agree to a lifetime confidentiality clause that will prevent her from her ever releasing a tell-all book discussing her private life while she was married to Tiger.

I’d say that’s a fair deal. Her kids don’t need anymore of their daddy’s dirty laundry aired anyway. In fact, Tiger should add another mil in the deal for all the therapy his kids are going to need when they get old enough to realize what happened when their perfect life fell apart.
